I can

What gift do you have?

You can help

Click on the images below to find out more

Small Groups

Kids Church

Setup Team

AV Team

Sound Team

Lighting Team

Streaming Team

Worship Team

Administration Team

Coffee Team

Welcoming Team

Event team


One of the wonderful things about being a part of God’s kingdom is we get a chance to serve.
And God has made each of us unique and superbly designed to function in his kingdom.
We want you to have the chance to find and fulfil some of the purposes God has for your life.
Prayerfully look through the following areas of service in our church, see what resonates and God speaks to you about, and then tell us so that we can release you into God’s mission.

How can you begin the journey of serving in our church?
– Fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.
– Fill out a Connect card at a church service.
– Speak to the leader of the team you would like to get involved with.

Small Groups

We believe life is better done together. We grow when we sow! Invest in others for eternity.

If you have been a follower of Jesus more than a year, then you are ready to host a small group.

To host a small group, you need the following;
H – Heart for people, and a willingness to be hospitable.
O – Open heart and mind to invite others to meet together.
S – Snacks, things always seem to be better when there is something to eat! 🙂
T – Turn on a DVD and then have some discussion/prayer.

There are many options for hosting a small group, such as;
– Host a small group for just a semester and see how it goes.
– Host it in your home, kitchen, cafe, work place, library, park,…
– Mixed, singles, marrieds, womens, mens, youths, mechanics, surfers,…
– Create new group, tap into existing group you belong to, draw from an existing group….

The main thing is to believe God can use you, and to step out into serving others.

Sunday Service Teams

For Sunday to be a great encounter with God and his people, it takes a lot of people to do it!
But the joy of seeing people set free, loved, inspired, and sent out in life is just too good to miss.

So please check out the following to see which area you could get to serve God in.

Setup Team

This team is responsible for getting the auditorium ready for the Sunday service
– Setting out the chairs
– Setting up and wiping the preaching and information point glass tables
– Glasses of water for the speaker and translator

And at the end of the service
– Stacking up the chairs
– Sweeping up any crumbs and dust from the floor
– Tyding the space so that it is better than when we started.

Team Leader:    


Our desire is to create a fun, living, dynamic, lively environment catered for children where they can encounter the living God. We do this through worship, prayer, activities, word and ministry.

This is such an important part of our church, and we want you to be a part of helping here.

Ways you can help
– Be a small group leader
– Come along and help
– Lead the children in some songs
– Share stories with the children
– Do some fun activities with them

Why not make it your mission to come along for at least one time, to see what we do. And who knows, you might just find that this is something you might love and want to do more with.

Team Leader: Monika Jonczyk

Production Team

The role of the Production Team is to provide an environment through sound/vision/lighting and ambiance so that people can be solely focused on meeting with the living God.

This team is made up of a number of sub-teams to look after different areas.

The production team is an exciting team to belong to, and provides lots of opportunity to serve God in unique and powerful ways. We invite you to get involved in this important ministry by contacting one of the team leaders.

Production Leader:

Audio/Visual Team

This team is responsible for what is shown on the screen. It requires computer knowledge, displaying powerpoint presentations, showing the countdown screen, showing lyrics during worship along with background images, showing notices, showing sermons notes and scriptures in sync with the speaker, showing videos clips, etc.

Audio/Visual Team Leader:

Sound Team

This team is responsible for ensuring the sound during all aspects of the service is at its best. It requires both technically oriented people with knowledge of setting up and down sound equipment as well as audiophiles who can operate sound mixing consoles to achieve superb quality sound for the whole sunday service.

Sound Team Leader:

Lighting Team

This team is responsible for the lighting effects on the stage during a service to achieve the appropriate ambiance for different parts of the service. This requires both technical and artistic abilities to achieve the desired results.

Lighting Team Leader:

Streaming Team

This team is responsible for videoing the sunday service and ensuring this is broadcast to facebook/Youtube for our online audience. This requires an understanding of how to connect and operate the camera equipment, how to connect into the social media platform, achieving good sound quality and learning how to manage the live editing of shots to produce the best viewing experience for our watchers.

Streaming Team Leader:

Worship Team

The worship team is responsible for leading the people of God into worship of Him in Spirit and in Truth, with passion, enthusiasm, joy and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

If worship is in your heart, do you play a music instrument or can you sing, please contact Patryk Miklewski.

Administration Team

To bring a Sunday service together takes a lot of planning and coordination. So if you have some gifts in administration this is an amazing area in which you can get to serve.

Areas which need planning and preparation are
– Communication and coordination between teams and pastor
– Selecting translators and service leaders for each service.
– Notices prepared for overhead projector
– Communion (preparing and clearing after communion)
– Welcome Bags (prepare and give to new people)
– Counting attendance at the service.

If you would like to help in any of the areas above, we would love to hear from you.

Team Leader: Ewa Nickiewicz

Coffee Team

The role of the coffee team, is to create an environment where people can connect with one another over coffee and cake and build relationship by getting to know each other better.

This is such an important aspect of our church family life because it brings people together.

Ways of helping with this ministry are:
– Setting up the tables, coffee machines, preparing drinks
– Baking/bringing cakes/biscuits, snacks, treats.
– Serving and making people feel welcome
– Clearing and cleaning up afterwards

We would love to see you helping in this area in whatever ways you would like.

Team Leader:

Welcoming Team

First impressions count, and for many, their first impression will be governed by the welcome they receive when they come to our church. So we want to give them an unexpectedly warm welcome and leaving them wanting to come again.

Ways of helping in this team are:
– Welcoming people at the entrance to the building
– Greeting people as they enter the main auditorium
– Helping people find seats when it is crowded
– Engaging with people and particularly newcomers before and after the service
– Actively seeing how we can be helpful to those who are at the service.

If you have a nice way with people, and enjoy meeting new people or serving those you already know, then we would love you to be involved in this most important area of church ministry.

Team Leader:


We have a number of ministries that we either lead as a church or support others in.

Coffee House – Meeting at Latarnia on Thursday nights at 6pm. This is designed to help those who are struggling with addiction problems.
Leader: Helen Stainsby.

2+1 – Our goal is to build strong and healthy marriages based on what God’s Word teaches us. You can expect: home atmosphere, workshops, exercises in pairs, discussion and Bible Study. Leaders: Gosia & Marcin Głowaccy

Marriage Encounter – This is an intensive course on marriage communication for spouses who want to care, develop and deepen their relationship. You are welcome no matter what age, background, belief, or how good or bad your marriage is right now. Meetings are 4 times a year.
Leaders: Janusz & Beata Dymsza

Financial advice – We are able to meet with and hep people who are facing financial difficulties and provide practical help in dealing with money from a biblical perspective.
Leaders: Janusz & Beata Dymsza

Street Church – Wednesdays at 18.00. Evangelism on the streets and feeding the hungry.
Leader Zdzisław Michejów.

Street Evangelism – Friday nights we have a team of people who dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus with people who the Lord leads them to.
Leaders: Tomek & Anita Zarebski

If you would like to join any of these ministries, please make contact with the respective leaders.


We have a passion to love God and to make him known to others. One of the ways we do this is by organizing events which we hope will be a blessing to people. These events are a great way to get to know each other better and to provide opportunities to invite and connect to new people. The kinds of events we organize include:

Concerts – Exodus 15, Christmas carols, Ania Świątczak, Grzegorz Kloc,…
Picnics – In the park, BBQs, swims at the lake,…
Seminars – Finance, marriage, children, diet,….
Camps – Family, church, youth, men’s retreats, …
Conferences – Kick Start, women’s conference, Phil Gungor

If you would like to join and be a part of this team and make a difference in this city, then we would love to you to hear from you.

Team Leader: 


We would love to be in touch